McNamara 20120831Fri-20120904Tue Cosmic Ray Particles by CCD imaging
McNamara 20120831Fri-20120904Tue Cosmic Ray Particles by CCD imaging.zip contains image files in support of a Microscopy Today article - please see
- Cosmic ray particles,
- CCD camera,
- image processing
- Biology,
- Biotechnology,
- Cancer Biology,
- Cell Anatomy,
- Cell and Developmental Biology,
- Cell Biology,
- Cells,
- Cellular and Molecular Physiology,
- Developmental Biology,
- Genetics and Genomics,
- Immunopathology,
- Laboratory and Basic Science Research,
- Medical Biophysics,
- Medical Biotechnology,
- Medical Cell Biology,
- Medical Pathology,
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience,
- Other Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment,
- Other Life Sciences,
- Pathology and
- Tissues
Publication Date
Summer September 12, 2012
Data is not subject to copyright. Please feel free to re-use, re-post, re-analyze this (and any other!) data.
Citation Information
George McNamara. "McNamara 20120831Fri-20120904Tue Cosmic Ray Particles by CCD imaging" (2012) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/gmcnamara/24/