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Confocal/multiphoton images of neural stem cells and mouse brain nuclei
  • George McNamara

Confocal/multiphoton images of neural stem cells and mouse brain nuclei.

Prof. Michael Jensen, Dr. Renate Starr, George McNamara, City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, CA.

Data acquired on a Zeiss LSM510 multiphoton/confocal inverted microscope at City of Hope's Analytical Imaging Facility. Zeiss 10x objective lens.

Orange: EGFP+ neural stem cells fluorescence (pseudocolored in orange), 488 nm excitation, 505-550 nm emission.

Cyan: DAPI fluorescence of cell nuclei, using 750 nm multiphoton excitation from a Coherent Chameleon Ti:Sapphire laser.

278 um Z-series of a hemi-sectioned mouse brain. Mouse was sacrificed, perfusion fixed, brain removed, brain sliced in half, brain immersed in DAPI containing solution, brought to the confocal microscope, decanted into Mattek 35 mm imaging dish, neural stem cells located by visual search at 10x, then imaged.

In 2012 Prof. Jensen is in Seattle, WA, Dr. Starr is still at CoH, GM is at UMiami.

184 Mb AVI movie file.

  • Cell biology,
  • stem cell biology
Publication Date
Fall September 23, 2006
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Citation Information
George McNamara. "Confocal/multiphoton images of neural stem cells and mouse brain nuclei" (2006)
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