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The Gospel and the Church
Scriptural Pursuit
  • Glenn Russell, Andrews University
  • Thomas Shepherd, Andrews University

The Holy Bible mandates that one should love God and also love fellow human beings as well. Loving fellowmen implies putting others before ourselves. Understanding that we are saved by grace should make us humble and more patient and compassionate in how we treat others.

How should Christians relate to their brothers and sisters who have stumbled? How can we guard against an indifferent, cold, critical spirit? Scriptural Pursuit discussion this week answers these and other related questions.

Publication Date
Department of Religion & Biblical Languages

Tom Shepherd is incorrectly credited as "Tom Sheperd"

First Department
Religion and Biblical Languages
Second Department
Theology and Christian Philosophy
Citation Information
Glenn Russell and Thomas Shepherd. "The Gospel and the Church" Berrien Springs, Michigan(2011)
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