Solutions to Address Frequent Hospital Attendance
Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews
Publication Date
- frequent attendance,
- primary care,
- interdisciplinary teams,
- health care cost,
- social determinants,
- complex care,
- care delivery models
In this editorial, practical solutions and considerations in helping the most complex and at-risk patients in our health systems are discussed. These patients, sometimes referred to as health care “super-utilizers” in the literature, tend to be frequently seen and cared for in costly hospital and emergency department settings. Innovative care models that aim to bridge system gaps, achieve better health outcomes, and improve the well-being of both patients and providers are needed and should continue to be explored.
Citation Information
Sundberg G. Solutions to address frequent hospital attendance. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2020;7:222-6. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.1786