The Status of Public Health Services & Systems Research in the U.S.: Implications for British Columbia
British Columbia Think Tank on Public Health Services & Systems Research, University of Victoria
Research on the organization, financing, and delivery of public health services has accelerated in the U.S. in recent years. This applied scholarship has been fueled in part by the changes and natural experiments created by global economic recession and by comprehensive federal and state health reforms. Co-occuring changes in public health organization and financing have occurred in Canada and more specifically in British Columbia, where valuable scholarship on public health delivery is also underway. This presentation reviews the progress and current directions of PHSSR scholarship in the U.S., and identifies opportunities and implications for British Columbia.
Publication Date
Winter February 13, 2014
Citation Information
Glen Mays. "The Status of Public Health Services & Systems Research in the U.S.: Implications for British Columbia" British Columbia Think Tank on Public Health Services & Systems Research, University of Victoria (2014) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/glen_mays/131/