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A Qualitative Developmental Analysis of Comprehensive Guidance Programmes in Schools in the United States
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
  • Ginger MacDonald, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus
  • Christopher A Sink, Seattle Pacific University
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Presents analysis of guidance models in the United States. Commends 24 states in their initial attempts at model development in the personal/social domains. States that the most significant gap across models is in attention to ethnic and cultural developmental issues. Recommends authors of programs be more specific so that developmental guidance programs address the needs of all students.

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Citation Information
Ginger MacDonald and Christopher A Sink. "A Qualitative Developmental Analysis of Comprehensive Guidance Programmes in Schools in the United States" British Journal of Guidance and Counselling Vol. 27 Iss. 3 (1999) p. 415 - 430
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