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The Role of Educators in Building the Next Generation of Female Leaders in the Sport Industry
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (2011)
  • Gina Pauline, Syracuse University
At the 2011 Women in Sport and Events (WISE) luncheon, I looked around the room and was elated to see a sold-out crowd of almost 500 professional women in attendance. It amazed me to see women represented within all the different sectors of the industry. At the event, three remarkable women were honored with the WISE Women of the Year award: Stacy Allaster, Lisa Baird, and Wendy Lewis. The recipients are not only an inspiration for their professional and personal accomplishments, but for how they have utilized their decision-making authority to begin to create change for young women in the future. In her remarks to the audience, award recipient and Women's Tennis Association CEO Stacy Allaster told a story about reading to her daughter a book that empowered girls to aspire to be anything they wished when they got older. Her daughter told Stacy that her desire was to play professional hockey in the National Hockey League (NHL). As women do not have the opportunity to play in the NHL, nor is there a professional hockey league for women, the story highlighted how much progress is still needed for future generations. It also suggested how the current gender disparity in management positions within all sectors of the sport industry influences participation opportunities. In today's society, as men still constitute the majority of decision makers within the industry, sport is still perceived as a male domain (Mas-sengale & Lough, 2010).
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Citation Information
Gina Pauline. "The Role of Educators in Building the Next Generation of Female Leaders in the Sport Industry" Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Vol. 82 Iss. 8 (2011)
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