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Wall Street Debacle: Resignations and Prosecutions are in Order
San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center (Indybay) (2009)
  • Gil J. Villagran, San Jose State University
As our nation slides further into bankruptcies of Wall Street, banks, retirement trusts, massive corporations, mom and pop storefronts on main street, workers are laid off, and families evicted, it is high time to say: resignations are in order for the ignorant Congressmen and women who passed de-regulation laws, and criminal prosecutions are mandated for those who took questionable and illegal bribes from lobbyists. We must cleanse our nation's government and financial industry of toxic individuals who all but destroyed our national economy.
Publication Date
March 22, 2009
Citation Information
Gil J. Villagran. "Wall Street Debacle: Resignations and Prosecutions are in Order" San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center (Indybay) (2009)
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