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The Constitutional Framework of International Law in the Gulf: Ratification and Implementation of International Treaties in the GCC Constitutions.
Arab Law Quarterly (2020)
  • Gianluca Parolin
This article investigates how ratification and implementation of international treaties are regulated in GCC Constitutions and how these regulations currently operate. First, it considers the models of internal/international law relations that Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Constitutions espouse. Second, it then reviews ratification procedures and practices. Finally, it examines alternative options to guarantee implementation. Shifting the focus away from conventional court implementation mechanisms, the article argues that internal accountability mechanisms of executives might guarantee a more effective enforcement of international treaties in the GCC Member States.
  • Gulf constitutions,
  • International Law,
  • Ratification of International Treaties,
  • domestic status of international treaties,
  • GCC Jurisdictions
Publication Date
February 11, 2020
Citation Information
Gianluca Parolin. "The Constitutional Framework of International Law in the Gulf: Ratification and Implementation of International Treaties in the GCC Constitutions." Arab Law Quarterly Vol. 34 Iss. 1 (2020) p. 24 - 42 ISSN: 1573-0255
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