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An Integrated Index for Triple Bottom Line Performance of the Big Three Firms in Logistics and Shipping Services Industry
Academy of International Business Southeast Annual Conference (AIBSE)
  • Nihar Kumthekar, Georgia Southern University
  • Gerard Burke, Georgia Southern University
  • Amit Arora, Savannah State University
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Abstract or Description

This research investigates a crucial aspect of managing sustainability in organizations, i.e., sustainability performance measurement, with a focus on developing a methodology for jointly measuring and comparing the sustainability performance of companies in a particular industry. We utilize two complementary methodologies – linear aggregation and data envelopment analysis, to create a unique index consisting of sustainability indicators. The method is demonstrated using three major firms in the logistics and shipping services industry. The mathematical models formulated in this research are flexible to include or exclude any number of sustainability indicators and provide an easy-to-comprehend tool for the managers to evaluate their sustainability efforts over a period of time. This research contributes to practice by aligning social and environmental indicators on the same scale and comparing the performance of companies using the ratios of these indicators.

Savannah, GA
Citation Information
Nihar Kumthekar, Gerard Burke and Amit Arora. "An Integrated Index for Triple Bottom Line Performance of the Big Three Firms in Logistics and Shipping Services Industry" Academy of International Business Southeast Annual Conference (AIBSE) (2015)
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