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Introducing Jacques Ellul to English Education
Explorations in Media Ecology (2014)
  • Geraldine E. Forsberg, Western Washington University
Jacques Ellul’s sociological perspective on technological society has had a wide-ranging influence. His sociological and philosophical ideas provided a foundation for studies in media ecology. However, many English educators are unaware of Ellul’s ideas. This article aims to introduce Ellul to English education. As a seminal thinker in the media ecology tradition, Ellul’s writings greatly influenced Neil Postman. Postman is known for his work in English education. This article argues that English education would benefit from the perspectives of Ellul. After a brief introduction to Ellul, the article identifies some of Ellul’s main ideas, which can inform English education.
  • Jacques Ellul,
  • Neil Postman,
  • English education,
  • media ecology,
  • technology,
  • language
Publication Date
March, 2014
DOI: 10.1386/eme.13.1.79_1
Publisher Statement
©Intellect 2014
Citation Information
Geraldine E. Forsberg. "Introducing Jacques Ellul to English Education" Explorations in Media Ecology Vol. 13 Iss. 1 (2014) p. 79 - 88
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