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FORSBERG, Geraldine E.
Jacques Ellul aujourd'hui (2022)
  • Geraldine E. Forsberg, Western Washington University
Over the past ten years, the reception of the work of Jacques Ellul has experienced a real improvement: unknown during his lifetime outside a few circles, the professor from Bordeaux is beginning to benefit from a certain recognition.
As an extension of the work published in 2012 under the title Générations Ellul, this volume presents around fifty portraits of Ellul figures, of all ages and from all walks of life. From the town hall of Bordeaux to South Korea, from the neo-Calvinian world in the United States to the milieu of technocritical militancy in France, the Ellulian planet never ceases to amaze with its diversity.
A common point nevertheless connects all these heirs: the encounter with the thought of Jacques Ellul upset their lives, on a professional, existential, spiritual level, and all seek to pursue and embody intuitions which, in their eyes, have not confirmed in the 21st century
  • Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) Critique et interprétation,
  • Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) Influence,
  • Jacques Ellul (1912-1994)
Publication Date
November 23, 2022
Frédéric Rognon
Labor et Fides
Générations Ellul
Citation Information
Rognon Frédéric. (2022). Jacques ellul aujourd'hui. Labor et fides.