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Media Ecology and Theology
Journal of Communication & Religion (2009)
  • Geraldine E. Forsberg, Western Washington University
This essay examines the interlocking relationship between media ecology and theology. The questions addressed here are: Is there a relationship between these two distinct areas of study? If so, what are the basic concepts which overlap in the relationship? Where does media ecology and theology intersect? Drawing from the work of the founder of general semantics, Alfred Korzybski, five general concepts are identified which form the basis of convergence. It is believed that these concepts can help communication scholars further study the relationship between media ecology and theology. The author believes that just as media ecology can bring insight to theology, theology can also enlighten our understanding of media ecology. Examples from the work of other media ecologists are used to support this thesis.
  • Alfred Korzybski,
  • Media ecology,
  • Media theory,
  • Communication theology,
  • Theology
Publication Date
March, 2009
Publisher Statement
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Citation Information
Geraldine E. Forsberg. "Media Ecology and Theology" Journal of Communication & Religion Vol. 32 Iss. 1 (2009) p. 135 - 156
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