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A Primer for 1st-Year Legal-Writing Adjuncts
Perspect.: Teaching Legal Res. & Writ. (2017)
  • Gerald Lebovits
From the Editor:

"New York State Supreme Court Justice, Professor of Law, and prolific scholar Judge Gerald Lebovits provides his advice, insight, and observations based on years of classroom experience to anyone contemplating a position as an Adjunct Professor of Legal Research and Writing. It is sure to become the definitive work on the subject."
  • legal writing,
  • adjunct professor,
  • adjunct instructor,
  • legal education,
  • law school
Publication Date
Spring 2017
Citation Information
Gerald Lebovits, Surviving Your 1L Year (Again): A Primer for First-Year Legal-Writing Adjuncts, 25 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Res. & Writing 133 (2017).