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Machinery management for small- and medium-sized horticultural farms
Leopold Center Completed Grant Reports
  • Georgeanne M. Artz, Iowa State University
  • William M. Edwards, Iowa State University
  • Darren H. Jarboe, Iowa State University
Project ID

Machinery and equipment needs are far different for vegetable farms than for commodity production units. This project explored the unique machinery access options for small and mid-sized horticulture operations.

Key Question
How can small-scale fruit and vegetable producers evaluate machinery adoption and plan for mechanization? What are the alternatives for acquiring machinery services, and what are key factors to evaluate, including appropriate machinery size and the timing and sequencing of operations?
Growers use a variety of methods for acquiring access to machinery, including purchasing, renting, borrowing and sharing. While larger farms tend to be more mechanized, other factors were important in determining the amount and type of machinery employed in the operation, including diversity of crops, marketing outlets, and availability of labor.
Principal Investigator(s)
Georgeanne Artz
William Edwards, Darren Jarboe
Year of Grant Completion
Citation Information
Georgeanne M. Artz, William M. Edwards and Darren H. Jarboe. "Machinery management for small- and medium-sized horticultural farms" (2014)
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