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Motion Analysis of Intracellular Objects: Trajectories with and without Visible Tracks
Biological Motion: Lecture Notes in Biomathematics (1990)
  • Dieter G Weiss
  • Günther Galfe
  • Josef Gulden
  • Dieter Seitz-Tutter
  • George M Langford, Syracuse University
  • Albrecht Struppler
  • Adolf Weindl

The study of the motion of intracellular organelles which are far smaller than the limit of resolution of light microscopy has become possible only since the advent of video microscopy, that is the coupling of fast image processors to state-of-the-art light microscopes. The techniques required to make such objects visible are summarized and procedures to extract and analyse positional data of moving organelles are explained. Examples of our work on organelle motion along free, native microtubules from squid giant axons and on movements in human nerve fibers are presented.

Such studies have revealed that in animal cells microtubules serve as tracks for organelle movement. Thus, the questions studied at present deal with the analysis of motion along tracks, and especially with the possible existence of regular, high frequency components (steps), or low frequency velocity fluctuations in such movements. The question of whether this movement is stochastic or deterministic is also treated.

The present status of our analysis points to the existence of a molecular motor producing constant motion with only little variations of stochastic rather than deterministic nature. An additional stochastic component is especially pronounced in intact cells but almost absent from the cell-free motile system studied. It is therefore ascribed to cytoskeletal impediment and not to the motor itself.

  • Mathematics,
  • general
Publication Date
Alt, Wolfgang and Hoffmann, Gerhard
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
978-3-540-53520-1 978-3-642-51664-1
Publisher Statement
Weiss, Dieter G., Günther Galfe, Josef Gulden, Dieter Seitz-Tutter, George M. Langford, Albrecht Struppler, and Adolf Weindl. “Motion Analysis of Intracellular Objects: Trajectories with and without Visible Tracks.” In Biological Motion, edited by Wolfgang Alt and Gerhard Hoffmann, 95–116. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 89. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.
Citation Information
Dieter G Weiss, Günther Galfe, Josef Gulden, Dieter Seitz-Tutter, et al.. "Motion Analysis of Intracellular Objects: Trajectories with and without Visible Tracks" BerlinBiological Motion: Lecture Notes in Biomathematics (1990)
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