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Transport of ER Vesicles on Actin Filaments in Neurons by Myosin V
Biology - All Scholarship
  • George M Langford, Syracuse University
  • Joel S Tabb, Dartmouth College
  • Bradley J Molyneaux, Dartmouth College
  • Darien L Cohen, Dartmouth College
  • Sergei A Kuznetsov, Universität Rostock
Document Type
  • Myosin V,
  • ER transport,
  • Squid giant axon,
  • Organelle/vesicle movement,
  • Actin filament,
  • Axonal transport

Axoplasmic organelles in the giant axon of the squid have been shown to move on both actin filaments and microtubules and to switch between actin filaments and microtubules during fast axonal transport. The objectives of this investigation were to identify the specific classes of axoplasmic organelles that move on actin filaments and the myosin motors involved. We developed a procedure to isolate endoplasmic reticulum (ER) from extruded axoplasm and to reconstitute its movement in vitro. The isolated ER vesicles moved on exogenous actin filaments adsorbed to coverslips in an ATP-dependent manner without the addition of soluble factors. Therefore myosin was tightly bound and not extracted during isolation. These vesicles were identified as smooth ER by use of an antibody to an ER-resident protein, ERcalcistorin/protein disulfide isomerase (EcaSt/PDI). Furthermore, an antibody to squid myosin V was used in immunogold EM studies to show that myosin V localized to these vesicles. The antibody was generated to a squid brain myosin (p196) that was classified as myosin V based on comparisons of amino acid sequences of tryptic peptides of this myosin with those of other known members of the myosin V family. Dual labeling with the squid myosin V antibody and a kinesin heavy chain antibody showed that the two motors colocalized on the same vesicles. Finally, antibody inhibition experiments were performed with two myosin V-specific antibodies to show that myosin V motor activity is required for transport of vesicles on actin filaments in axoplasm. One antibody was made to a peptide in the globular tail domain and the other to the globular head fragment of myosin V. Both antibodies inhibited vesicle transport on actin filaments by greater than 90% compared to controls. These studies provide the first direct evidence that ER vesicles are transported on actin filaments by myosin V. These data confirm the role of actin filaments in fast axonal transport and provide support for the dual filament model of vesicle transport.

Additional Information
Work done while GM Langford was a member of the Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755-3576, USA. Other authors (Tabb, Cohen, Molyneaux) were also at Dartmouth. Kuznetsov was at Universität Rostock. Langford is the author for correspondence.
Citation Information
JS Tabb, BJ Molyneaux, DL Cohen, SA Kuznetsov and GM Langford. Transport of ER vesicles on actin filaments in neurons by myosin V. Journal of Cell Science, Vol 111, Issue 21 3221-3234.