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About George H Baker

I am emeritus professor of applied science at James Madison University (JMU). In addition to teaching graduate and undergraduate S&T courses at JMU, I directed the start-up and served as Technical Director of the university's Institute for Infrastructure and Information Assurance (IIIA). Much of my career was spent at the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) protecting strategic systems against EMP, including developing DoD's EMP protection standards. I led DNA's EMP research and development program during 1987-94 and served as principal staff for the Congressional EMP Commission from 2002-2008. A primary research interest stems from my experience as Director, Springfield Research Facility - a national center for critical system vulnerability assessment. I am applying lessons-learned from my DoD experience to critical national infrastructure assurance and community resilience. I consult in the areas of critical infrastructure protection, EMP and geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) protection, nuclear and directed energy weapon effects, and risk assessment. I presently serve on the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Resilient Societies, the Board of Advisors for the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security, the JMU Research and Public Service Advisory Board, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation GMD Task Force, the EMP Coalition, and the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Homeland Security Executive Board.


Present Board of Directors, Foundation for Resilient Societies
Present Professor Emeritus, Applied Science, James Madison University

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • James Madison University Research & Public Service Distinguished Service Award
  • Defense Nuclear Agency Legacy Award
  • Defense Nuclear Agency Significant Technical Achievement Award
  • Congressional EMP Commission Distinguished Service Award
  • Fellow, Nuclear Electromagnetics, Summa Foundation
  • Senior Member, IEEE
  • Who's Who in Science and Engineering
  • Harry Diamond Laboratories Hinman Award for Technical Excellence
  • Journal of Radiation Effects Best Paper Award
  • Maryland Senatorial Scholarship
  • Western Maryland College Jones Physics Scholarship
  • Phi Beta Kappa

Contact Information

G. H. Baker
214 Keswick Circle
Dayton, VA 22821
(540) 578-0525


Books (9)

Contributions to Books (2)

Unpublished Papers (1)

Presentations (9)

Other (10)