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The Homeland Security Review
  • George H Baker, III, James Madison University

The fourth annual Critical Infrastructure Symposium was held on 15-16 April, 2013 at West Point, New York. The annual Symposium, sponsored by the Infrastructure Security Parternship and organized through the Knowledge, Skills, and Education Committee, is a collaborative learning community of students, educators, practitioners, and government officials engaged in developing the next generation of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience leaders, technologies, and strategies. Over 150 participantes from the private sector, state, and local governments and academic institutions attended the 2013 event.

The symposium program began with a workshop on Pubic-Private Partnership Operations during Superstorm Sandy. Next, eight breakout sessions addressed a variety of topics including urban and regional resilience, resilience assessment tools, and the Waldo Canyon Colorado fire. The first day concluded with a plenary session highlighting student research followed by a keynote address from Jo-Ellen Darcy, assistant Secretaryof the Army for Civil Works. The second day began with a keynote address on strengthening security and resilience in the 21st Century presented by Dane Egli of the Johns Hopkiins Applied Physicis Laboratory.

The 2013 symposium included 70 papers and presentations. From these the best papers were selected for publication in this issue of the Homeland Security Review. The symposium provided a unique opportunity for students to present and publish papers alongside professionals and faculty members. The papers in this journal demonstrate the diversity of the symposium: students and professionals, academics and practitioners, students majoring in English, students majoring in engineering, and a student-faculty collaborative paper.

  • Critical Infrastructure Protection,
  • Risk Assessment,
  • Force Protection,
  • Hardened Structures,
  • Natural Disaster Protection,
  • Multi-Hazard Protection,
  • Homeland Security,
  • Disaster Management
Publication Date
Winter 2014
George H. Baker, Steven D. Hart, Wayne Boone, Dennis R. Schrader
Insitute of Law and Public Policy, California University of Pennsylvania
Citation Information
George H. Baker III, Guest Editor. The Homeland Security Review. Institute of Law and Public Policy, California University of Pennsylvania, Winter 2014.