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Relationships of isometric mid-thigh pull variables to weightlifting performance
Research outputs 2013
  • George Beckham, East Tennessee State University
  • Satoshi Miziguchi, East Tennessee State University
  • C Carter, East Tennessee State University
  • Kimi Sato, East Tennessee State University
  • Mike Ramsey, East Tennessee State University
  • Hugh Lamont, East Tennessee State University
  • Guy Hornsby, East Tennessee State University
  • Greg Haff, Edith Cowan University
  • Michael Stone, Edith Cowan University
Publication Date
Document Type
Journal Article
Edizioni Minerva Medica
Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science
School of Exercise and Health Sciences / Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research

Beckham, G., Miziguchi, S., Carter, C., Sato, K., Ramsey, M., Lamont, H., Hornsby, G., Haff, G., & Stone, M. (2013). Relationships of isometric mid-thigh pull variables to weightlifting performance. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness , 53(5), 573-581. Available here


Aim. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between weightlifting performance (snatch, clean and jerk, and total) and variables obtained from the isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP). Methods. Twelve weightlifters, ranging from novice to advanced, performed the IMTP 10 days after a competition. Correlations were used to evaluate relationships between variables of the IMTP and absolute and scaled competition results. Results. Unsealed competition results correlated strongly with IRFD (0-200ms: r=0.567-0.645, 0-250ms: r=0.722-0.781) while results correlated weakly with Peak IRFD (5ms window, r=0.360-0.426). Absolute peak force values correlated very strongly with absolute values for the competition performance (r=0.830-0.838). Force at 100ms, 150ms, 200ms and 250ms also correlated strongly with competition results (r=0.643-0.647, r=0.605-0.636, r=0.714-0.732, r=0.801-0.804). Similar findings were noted for allometrically scaled values. Conclusion. Measures of average IRFD probably represent a more relevant variable to dynamic performance than does Peak IRFD (5ms). Maximum isometric strength also is likely to have a strong role in weightlifting performance.

Citation Information
George Beckham, Satoshi Miziguchi, C Carter, Kimi Sato, et al.. "Relationships of isometric mid-thigh pull variables to weightlifting performance" (2013)
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