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Teaching and learning school improvement framework
Monitoring Learning
  • Geoff N Masters, ACER
Publication Date
School improvement, Leadership, School culture, Teaching effectiveness, Curriculum, School resources, School community relationship

This work incorporates material developed by Professor Geoff N Masters for the Australian Council for Educational Research in collaboration with the Queensland Department of Education and Training.

This Tool has since been revised as the School Improvement Tool. Supporting services are outlined at:


The Teaching and Learning School Improvement Framework brings together findings from research into the practices of highly effective school leaders. The focus of the Framework is not on everything that effective leaders do, but on those leadership practices that appear to be most directly related to school-wide improvements in teaching and learning. The Framework was developed initially in collaboration with the Queensland Department of Education and Training and was used as the basis for a teaching and learning ‘audit’ of every government school in that state during the 2010 school year. The Framework consists of eight interrelated ‘domains’. Each domain identifies an aspect of a school’s day-to-day practices. During an audit of a school’s teaching and learning practices, a judgement or ‘rating’ is made in relation to each of these domains. The eight domains are: 1. An Explicit Improvement Agenda; 2. Analysis and Discussion of Data; 3. A Culture that Promotes Learning; 4. Targeted Use of School Resources; 5. An Expert Teaching Team; 6. Systematic Curriculum Delivery; 7. Differentiated Classroom Learning; and 8. Effective Teaching Practices.

Citation Information
Masters, Geoff N. (2010) Teaching and learning school improvement framework. Melbourne : Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER); Brisbane : Department of Education and Training