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Assessing young children
  • Gayle Mindes
This book is written for the teacher who wants to understand and deliver an effective educational program for all young children from birth through age 8. Accordingly,  it reflects the knowledge base of early childhood and early childhood special education. It provides illustrations of appropriate practice for prospective teachers and discusses current trends for experienced teachers. It approaches assessment as an integral part of the teaching and learning process. Key components of the assessment system include cultural sensitivity,family collaboration, and a vision of inclusionary practice in all early childhood environments-child care and school. Relevant professional standards are addressed throughout. The text is written in nontechnical language with support from the most current research. All "hot topics" are included as well-standards-based and outcomes-based teaching, high-stakes testing, response to intervention (RTI), coping with legislative demands, as well as relevant technology in the assessment process.
Publication Date
Prentice Hall/Merill
Citation Information
Gayle Mindes. Assessing young children. 4thUpper Saddle River, NJ.(2011)
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