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A thousand resources for science teachers
EQ Australia (2004)
  • Gayl O'Connor

The Science Education Assessment Resource (SEAR) project is an online resource bank of science assessment tasks for the compulsory years of schooling (P-10). The bank includes a variety of items that can be used for diagnostic, formative or summative assessment purposes. The Australian Council for Educational Research is responsible for the overall management of the project, working in collaboration with Curriculum Corporation and other organisations.

  • Databases,
  • Online learning,
  • Science education,
  • Science teaching,
  • Student assessment,
  • Primary school science,
  • Primary secondary education,
  • Secondary school science
Publication Date
Spring 2004
Citation Information
Gayl O'Connor. "A thousand resources for science teachers" EQ Australia Iss. 3 (2004)
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