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Enophthalmos as Initial Manifestation of Occult, Mammogram-Negative Carcinoma of the Breast.
Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging : The Official Journal of the International Society for Imaging in the Eye
  • Carol L Shields, MD
  • Gary A Stopyra, MD
  • Brian P Marr, MD
  • Mark L Moster
  • Jerry A Shields, MD
  • Gary A Stopyra, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
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A patient with enophthalmos was found to have occult metastatic breast carcinoma to the orbit despite normal findings on breast examination and mammogram. Enophthalmos can be a sign of serious systemic disease and should be appropriately investigated. Despite radiologically interpreted normal orbital and breast imaging, the clinician should rule out underlying subclinical malignancy and consider orbital biopsy.

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Citation Information

Shields, C. L., Stopyra, G. A., Marr, B. P., Moster, M. L., & Shields, J. A. (2004). Enophthalmos as initial manifestation of occult, mammogram-negative carcinoma of the breast. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging: The Official Journal Of The International Society For Imaging In The Eye, 35(1), 56-57.