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An Appraisal of the Leap of Faith
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (1973-2015)
  • Gary R. Habermas, Liberty University
Publication Date
Document Type

This article originally appeared in the Michigan Theological Journal. It can be referenced using the following citation: Habermas, Gary R. "An Appraisal of the Leap of Faith." Michigan Theological Journal 2 1 (Spring 1991): 82-96.


Where has the leap of faith concept come from? What has it fostered? Does it provide an adequate foundation for the Christian faith? This article will critique the development of the leap of faith through Lessing, Kant and Kierkegaard. It will then evaluate the theological and philosophical positions that have grown from it and its present status in light of the Scriptures.

Citation Information
Gary R. Habermas. "An Appraisal of the Leap of Faith" (1991)
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