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Modeling multichannel supply chain management with marketing mixes: a survey
Information Systems and Analytics
  • Gangshu (George) Cai, Santa Clara University
  • Yue Dai
  • Wenzhu Zhang
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Edward Elgar

In this chapter the authors review the literature on multichannel supply chain management that uses marketing mixes. A multichannel supply chain includes at least two channels, at least one of which is a supply chain. This survey categorizes existing contributions according to three dimensions: channel architecture, marketing mixes, and supply chain mixes. The authors also suggest some future research directions.

Chapter of
Handbook of Research on Distribution Channels
Charles A. Ingene
James R. Brown
Rajiv P. Dant
Citation Information
Cai, G. (George), Dai, Y., & Zhang, W. (2019). Modeling multichannel supply chain management with marketing mixes: A survey. In C. A. Ingene, J. R. Brown, & R. P. Dant (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Distribution Channels (pp. 165–199). Edward Elgar Publishing.