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Nanotechnology Education—First Step in Implementing a Spiral Curriculum
International Journal of Engineering Education (2011)
  • Ganesh Balasubramanian, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Vinod K. Lohani, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Ishwar K. Puri, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Scott W. Case, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Roop L. Mahajan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

A nanotechnology learning module was implemented into a freshman engineering course at Virginia Tech. The novelty of our approach is that an established spiral curriculum model has been employed, for the first time to the best of authors’ knowledge, to design the nanotechnology option. The module was piloted in a freshman class (180 students) during spring ‘08. The key components included (1) a prior knowledge survey, (2) a 40-minute in-class presentation on basic nanotechnology concepts, (3) an activity that involves nanoscale image analysis and the plotting of molecular forces usingLabVIEWsoftware,and(4)apost-modulesurvey.Lessonslearnedfromthepilotimplementationwereincorporated appropriately to expose roughly 1450 freshmen to nanotechnology basics in fall 2008. The module was further refined in spring2009whenpre-andpost-testswereadministeredtoassessthelearningoutcomes.Basedonthepriorknowledgedata fromabout1800freshmen,wefoundthattheyhadmisconceptionsaboutnanosciencefundamentals,e.g.,regardingthe(1) roleofgravityatthenanoscale,and(2)behaviorofintermolecularforces.Exitsurveysrevealedthatapproximately18%of students had an interest in pursuing a nanotechnology option and approximately 65% believed that nanotechnology was relevant in their intended engineering majors. The LabVIEW provided an appropriate environment to implement the hands-onanalysisof nanotechnologyconcepts, butwe cautionthatsuchhands-onexercisesshouldplacegreateremphasis on nanotechnology concepts than on LabVIEW skills.

  • nanotechnology,
  • freshman engineering,
  • spiral curriculum
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
This article is from International Journal of Engineering Education 27 (2011): 333.
Citation Information
Ganesh Balasubramanian, Vinod K. Lohani, Ishwar K. Puri, Scott W. Case, et al.. "Nanotechnology Education—First Step in Implementing a Spiral Curriculum" International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 27 Iss. 2 (2011)
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