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Integration of Ethics Across the Curriculum: From First Year Through Senior Seminar
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (2014)
  • Gail E. Gasparich, Fisher College
  • Larry Wimmers, Fisher College
The Fisher College of Science and Mathematics (FCSM) at Towson University (TU) has integrated authentic research experiences throughout the curriculum from first year STEM courses through advanced upper-level classes and independent research. Our observation is that training in both responsible conduct of research (RCR) and bioethics throughout the curriculum was an effective strategy to advance the cognitive and psychosocial development of the students. As students enter TU they generally lack the experience and tools to assess their own competence, to apply ethical debates, to investigate scientific topics from an ethical perspective, or to integrate ethics into final conclusions. Student behavior and development follow cognitive models such as described in the theories put forth by Piaget, Kohlberg, and Erikson, both for initial learning and for how concepts are understood and adopted. Three examples of this ethics training integration are described, including a cohort-based course for first year students in the STEM Residential Learning Community, a cohort-based course for community college students that are involved in an NIH-funded Bridges to the Baccalaureate program, and a senior seminar in Bioethics in the Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics Program. All three focus on different aspects of RCR and bioethics training, providing opportunities for students to learn about the principles of effective decision-making, critical and analytical thinking, problem solving, and communication with increasing degrees of complexity as they move through the curriculum.
Publication Date
December, 2014
Citation Information
Gail E. Gasparich and Larry Wimmers. "Integration of Ethics Across the Curriculum: From First Year Through Senior Seminar" Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education Vol. 15 Iss. 2 (2014) p. 218 - 223
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