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Student Leadership Exchange (SLX)
  • Gabriel Delgado,, '22, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Russell Deng, '22, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Adam Daki, '22, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Document Type
Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)
UN Sustainable Development Goal
UNSDG #3: Good Health and Well-Being
Start Date
29-4-2020 10:15 AM
End Date
29-4-2020 10:30 AM

In today's world the advancement of technology comes with a decrease in social interactions. Many people, specifically teens, are developing feelings of depression and isolation as a result of a lack of interaction with their loved ones. FamilyTime is a video sharing application that allows friends and family to watch the same purchased movie or streaming service on different devices while simultaneously allowing for voice conversations through video between users. What sets apart FamilyTime from other apps, such as Zoom, which has seen a rise in users due to the COVID pandemic, is its functionality. The application offers two versions: Standard and Premium. With the free standard version, two users to a group will be able to access and share privately purchased movies or videos with friends. The initiating member will have the ability to adjust the volume levels of both the video and the other members so there is no conflicting issue with audio. Only the initiating member has control of pausing, rewinding, and fastforwarding. The premium version will have a cost associated with it and would allow sharing for up to five members with more viewing capabilities through streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, etc. The initiating member has the control of the video functions, but also has the ability to designate other members of the video to be moderators that will have the same control as the initiating member. FamilyTime’s objective is to bring together individuals, whose ability to interact with their loved ones is hindered. COVID-19 has separated many families and friends from being able to see each other; thus, this modern, contemporary method of viewing is especially needed during this uncertain time.

Citation Information
Gabriel Delgado,, Russell Deng and Adam Daki. "FamilyTime" (2020)
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