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Enumerating Extreme Points of the Polytopes of Stochastic Tensors: An Optimization Approach
  • Fuzhen Zhang, Nova Southeastern University
  • Xiao-Dong Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University - China
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  • Birkhoff polytope,
  • Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem,
  • Extreme point,
  • Line-stochastic tensor,
  • Plane-stochastic tensor,
  • Polytope,
  • Tensor,
  • Vertex

This paper is concerned with the extreme points of the polytopes of stochastic tensors. By a tensor we mean a multi-dimensional array over the real number field. A line-stochastic tensor is a nonnegative tensor in which the sum of all entries on each line (i.e. one free index) is equal to 1; a plane-stochastic tensor is a nonnegative tensor in which the sum of all entries on each plane (i.e. two free indices) is equal to 1. In enumerating extreme points of the polytopes of line- and plane-stochastic tensors of order 3 and dimension n, we consider the approach by linear optimization and present new lower and upper bounds. We also study the coefficient matrices that define the polytopes.


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Additional Comments
National Natural Science Foundatio nof China grant #s: 11571220, 11531001, 11271256; NSFC-ISF research program #: 11561141001; Montenegrin-Chinese Science and Technology Cooperation Project #: 3-12
Citation Information
Fuzhen Zhang and Xiao-Dong Zhang. "Enumerating Extreme Points of the Polytopes of Stochastic Tensors: An Optimization Approach" Optimization Vol. 69 Iss. 4 (2020) p. 729 - 741 ISSN: 0233-1934
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