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ISCCP Cloud Analysis Algorithm Intercomparison
Advances in Space Research (1985)
  • W. B. Rossow, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
  • F. Mosher, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • E. Kinsella, MA Com
  • A. Arking, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • M. Desbois, Ecole Polytechnique de Palaiseau
  • E. Harrison, NASA Langley Research Center
  • P. Minnis, NASA Langley Research Center
  • E. Ruprecht, Universitat zu Koln
  • G. Seze, Ecole Polytechnique de Palaiseau
  • E. Smith, Colorado State University - Fort Collins
The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) will provide a uniform global climatology of satellite-measured radiances and derive a climatology of cloud radiative properties from these radiances. For this purpose, a pilot study of cloud analysis algorithms was initiated to define a state-of-the-art algorithm for ISCCP. This study compared the results of applying the nine different algorithms to the same satellite radiance data. The comparison allowed for a sharper understanding of the process of detecting clouds and shows that all algorithms can be improved by better information about clear sky radiance values (essentially equivalent to surface property information) and by better understanding of cloud size distribution variations. The dependence of all methods on cloud size distribution led to selection of an advanced bisprectal threshold technique for ISCCP because this method is currently better understood and more developed. Further research on cloud algorithms is clearly suggested by these results.
  • cloud analysis,
  • meteorology,
  • climatology
Publication Date
Citation Information
W. B. Rossow, F. Mosher, E. Kinsella, A. Arking, et al.. "ISCCP Cloud Analysis Algorithm Intercomparison" Advances in Space Research Vol. 5 Iss. 6 (1985) p. 185 ISSN: 0273-1177
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