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Five Years at the Magazine
Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Frank A. Farris, Santa Clara University
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Publication Date
Mathematical Association of America (MAA)

What do the editors of MAA journals do? What is so different about editing expository mathematics? After my five years as editor of Mathematics Magazine, I have strong opinions about these matters. The goal of most mathematics journals is to print the very latest results from the forefront of research. The goal of Mathematics Magazine is to remind us all why we loved mathematics in the first place, with stimulating articles and notes accessible to advanced undergraduates.

Copyright 2005 Mathematical Association of America. All Rights Reserved.
Citation Information
FARRIS, Frank A. "Five Years at the Magazine."Focus, the newsletter of the MAA, December, 2005: 10-11. (This is a cut-down version of a longer paper, called "So You're Going to Be an Editor!"written as an in-house MAA publication to serve future editors.)