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Quantum States Localized on Lagrangian Submanifolds
Gone Fishing Conference on Poisson Geometry
  • François Ziegler, Georgia Southern University
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Abstract or Description

Let X be a symplectic manifold and Aut(L) the automorphism group of a Kostant-Souriau line bundle on X. *Quantum states for X*, as defined by J.-M. Souriau in the 1990s, are certain positive-definite functions on Aut(L) or, less ambitiously, on any “large enough” subgroup G of Aut(L). This definition has two major drawbacks: when G = Aut(L) there are no known examples; and when G is a Lie subgroup the notion is far from selective enough. In this talk I’ll introduce the concept of a quantum state *localized at Y *, where Y is a coadjoint orbit of a subgroup H of G. I’ll explain how such states often exist and are unique when Y has lagrangian preimage in X, and how this can be regarded as a solving, in a number of cases, A. Weinstein’s “fundamental quantization problem” of attaching state vectors to lagrangian submanifolds.

Berkeley, CA
Citation Information
François Ziegler. "Quantum States Localized on Lagrangian Submanifolds" Gone Fishing Conference on Poisson Geometry (2014)
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