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About Franciszek J. Hasiuk

Franek Hasiuk is an assistant professor of geology. His areas of research include:
1. Refine understanding of how seawater chemistry and temperature affect carbonate chemistry through experimental culturing. Better estimates of both quantities would aid paleoclimatological, tectonic, and burial history studies. 2. Develop new models for understanding the sedimentology and diagenesis of fine-grained carbonates as well as the distribution of non-carbonate reservoir cements to improve development of oil and water resources. 3, Explore new ways of describing the three-dimensional nature of porous materials. 4. Build an expert database and research tool to digitally explore and analyze petrographic, petrophysical, and geochemical data—the "CO3DB". 5, Improve “rock literacy” by borrowing strategies from literacy and numeracy instruction with the goal of making students more able and more confident rock-readers.


Present Assistant Professor, Iowa State University Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Present Morehouse Faculty Fellow, Iowa State University

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253 Science
2237 Osborn Dr
Ames, IA 50011-1027


Refereed Publications (4)

Conference Proceedings (1)