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Changing the Face of Teaching: Barriers and Possibilities
Multicultural Perspectives (2002)
  • Francisco Rios, Western Washington University
  • Terry Burant
  • Alice Quiocho
Serina feels isolated much of the time. During class breaks, she usually sits by herself on the floor or on a bench in the sun. She is the only African American student in her cohort of teacher candidates. Serina had a disrupted family background and has many “issues of the heart” with which to contend. Her absences are treated more harshly than those of her classmates. The typical faculty mantra has been this: There can be no exceptions. If we make exceptions for her, what will the other students say? We will be sacrificing the quality of the program. We have to prepare her for real life.
  • Minority students,
  • Teaching programs
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group DOI:10.1207/S15327892MCP0402_3
Citation Information
Francisco Rios, Terry Burant and Alice Quiocho. "Changing the Face of Teaching: Barriers and Possibilities" Multicultural Perspectives Vol. 4 Iss. 2 (2002)
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