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Contribution to Book
La Política Vecindaria: A Micro to Macro Lens on Immigrant Newcomer Students in U.S. Schools
The Evolving Significance of Race: Living, Learning, and Teaching (2012)
  • Francisco Rios, Western Washington University
  • Leticia Alvarez
We are living, learning, and teaching by questioning how to address race in a society that consistently prefers to see itself as colorblind, a society claiming to seek a «post-racial» existence. This edited volume offers evidence of the evolving significance of race from a diverse group of male and female contributors selfidentifying as Black, Latino, Asian, White, Gay, Lesbian, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim. Our attempts to provide every child and adult learner with what they need - equity - to make the most of their educational experiences - excellence - are still consciously and unconsciously thwarted by the ingrained nature of racism in our society. This point becomes obvious when we begin teaching those audiences that represent diverse lived experiences of race about the changing significance of race and how to develop a more critical, reflexive lens focused upon the politics of race. This book invites readers to co-construct and implement a critical race pedagogy that reflects both an acknowledgment of the evolving significance of race and opportunities for hope via education.
Publication Date
Sherick A. Hughes and Theodorea Regina Berry
Peter Lang
Citation Information
Francisco Rios and Leticia Alvarez. "La Política Vecindaria: A Micro to Macro Lens on Immigrant Newcomer Students in U.S. Schools" New YorkThe Evolving Significance of Race: Living, Learning, and Teaching (2012)
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