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The Tyranny of Democracy: Deconstructing the Passage of Racist Propositions
Journal of Latinos and Education (2004)
  • Francisco Rios, Western Washington University
  • Zulmara Cline
  • Juan Necochea
This article examines race-based propositions and the movidas used to garner electorate support for these initiatives, which amount to the "tyranny of the majority" trampling on the rights of the minority as has happened so many times during our nation's history in the name of democracy. Specifically, the passage of Proposition 227 in California is analyzed for the tactics and strategies used to ensure that support for the initiative was garnered. Suggestions are made for how communities of color can work together to counter these legal and political attacks that use half-truths and propaganda to gain widespread support. Key words: Proposition 227, bilingual education, racism, discrimination, race-based propositions, tyranny of democracy
  • Proposition 227,
  • Bilingual education,
  • Racism,
  • Discrimination,
  • Race-based propositions,
  • Tyranny of democracy
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
The Journal of Latinos and Education is published by Routledge. Published online: 13 Nov 2009. DOI: 10.1207/s1532771xjle0302_2
Citation Information
Francisco Rios, Zulmara Cline and Juan Necochea. "The Tyranny of Democracy: Deconstructing the Passage of Racist Propositions" Journal of Latinos and Education Vol. 3 Iss. 2 (2004)
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