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Cities of Sub-Saharan Africa
Cities of the World Regional Patterns and Urban Environments
  • Garth Myers
  • Francis Owusu, Iowa State University
  • Angela G. Subulwa
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Version
Published Version
Publication Date
SSA's interlocking urban environmental problems are magnified by shortcomings in management and oversight by both governments and the private sector. Patrick lives in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where he works as a chef at a Chinese restaurant. Patrick is a mixed-race South African, born in Cape Town. He worked for many years as a cook on oil tankers, where many of the crew members were Bangladeshi, Filipino, or Tanzanian, the latter often from the Zanzibar islands or from Dar es Salaam.

This book chapter is published as Garth Myers, Francis Owusu, and Angela Gray Subulwa., Cities of Sub-Saharan Africa in Cities of the World Regional Patterns and Urban Environments edited by Stanley D. Brunn, Maureen Hays-Mitchell, Donald J. Zeigler, Jessica K. Graybill. March 2016, Chapter 8; Rowman & Littlefield. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
Rowan and Littlefield
File Format
Citation Information
Garth Myers, Francis Owusu and Angela G. Subulwa. "Cities of Sub-Saharan Africa" Cities of the World Regional Patterns and Urban Environments Vol. Chapter 8 (2016)
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