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Managing Dynamics of Power and Learning in Community Development: A Case Study of Iowan Farmers in Uganda
Journal of Extension
  • Stephen Lauer, Iowa State University
  • Francis Y. Owusu, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
Published Version
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Extension professionals facilitate community development through the strategic manipulation of learning and power in peer-to-peer learning partnerships. We discuss the relationship between empowerment and power, highlight relevant literature on the difficulties power presents to learning and the efficacy of service learning tools to facilitate mutual learning and present original findings from our research on an international development partnership in which Extension professionals had partial success in creating opportunities for mutually empowering learning among farmers from Iowa and Uganda. We recommend that Extension professionals encourage learning across power gradients by providing opportunities for informal conversations and encouraging reflection by participants.

This article is published as “Managing Dynamics of Power and Learning in Community Development: A Case Study of Iowan Farmers in Uganda” Journal of Extension June 2015, Vol 53, No. 3 (co author Stephen Lauer). Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Stephen Lauer and Francis Y. Owusu. "Managing Dynamics of Power and Learning in Community Development: A Case Study of Iowan Farmers in Uganda" Journal of Extension Vol. 53 Iss. 3 (2015)
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