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New Orleans: The Rising Sun?
The Public Manager (2009)
  • Frances Edwards, San Jose State University
The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) created the Katrina Task Force shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on Aug 29, 2005. Each year, at ASPA's annual conference, members of the task force consider the implications of the event for disaster response and recovery, including intergovernmental relations. This article summarizes the 2009 ASPA Katrina Task Force Report. The Upper Ninth Ward is sprinkled with state-of-the-art "green" houses, while Lakeview is dotted with the search and rescue "x" on boarded-up homes. Schools and hospital buildings sit idle. "Katrina Cottages" rise up on stilts by the water and sit flat in urban neighborhoods. Relocation has become permanent for many New Orleans residents who moved to Atlanta, Houston, and even San Jose, California, following the storm. One challenge to recovery is the lack of social infrastructure. Among the many unique government actions related to Hurricane Katrina was the issuing of Presidential Disaster Declarations for 45 states, inundated not by water but by survivors seeking interim homes.
  • new orleans,
  • rising sun
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Citation Information
Frances Edwards. "New Orleans: The Rising Sun?" The Public Manager Vol. 38 Iss. 3 (2009)
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