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Effective Disaster Response in Cross-Border Events
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (2010)
  • Frances Edwards, San Jose State University
Disasters occur cyclically, seasonally, or in geologic time, sometimes without notice, causing loss of life and environmental and property damage. Communities must be prepared to assess their risks and the consequences of disasters, and determine which vulnerable populations will need special assistance. The building blocks of effective disaster management are risk assessment, mitigation, planning, training and exercises for response, and a good plan for recovery, whether the scope is limited to one community or is a cross border – interstate or international – event. However, cross border events create additional political, social and diplomatic challenges that require additional planning
  • disaster response,
  • cross-border events
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Citation Information
Frances Edwards. "Effective Disaster Response in Cross-Border Events" Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management Vol. 17 Iss. 4 (2010)
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