Unpublished Paper
Evaluation of APRN Transition to Practice Program
The purpose of this quality improvement project is to evaluate the newly implemented APRN Onboarding Model. The Onboarding pilot began in the summer of 2018. This project focused on the second offering (pilot) of the onboarding program which occurred in June of 2018. The APRN participants of the onboarding consisted of newly hired APRN’s into Norton Healthcare. Both Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioners and Family Nurse Practitioners were included in this program evaluation. For this program evaluation a single survey instrument was developed to measure participants demographic, educational and work experience. Additionally perceptions of their level of confidence and self-efficacy in assuming their APRN role was included in the survey. With the data gathered we can determine APRN’s perceptions of preparedness for transitioning into entry level practice.
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse,
- Transition to Practice Program,
- Orientation,
- Onboarding
Publication Date
Citation Information
Frances Hines. "Evaluation of APRN Transition to Practice Program" (2018) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/frances-hines/1/