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Unpublished Paper
Spray strategies to control Anthracnose fruit rot in day-neutral strawberries, 1994
Entomology Reports
  • M. L. Gleason, Iowa State University
  • M. A. Vitosh, Iowa State University
  • B. L. Leininger, Iowa State University
  • G. R. Nonnecke, Iowa State University
  • D. R. Lewis, Iowa State University
  • J. J. Obrycki, Iowa State University
  • F. W. Nutter, Jr., Iowa State University
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Day-neutral strawberries were planted on 17 and 18 May 1994 in sand loam soil (fine , loamy, mixed mesic, Typic Hapludoll) at the Iowa Stale University Ho11iculture Faim near Gilbert, IA. Plants were spaced I ft apart in double rows with S ft between rows. Experimental design was a randomized complete block with !en treatments and four replications. Treatment subplots within blocks were 20-ft row segments. Treatment rows were alternated with guard rows. On 21 Jun, each subplot was inoculated with three ripe he1Ties displaying symptoms and signs of infection by~. acutatum, one beffY at either end of the subplot and one in the middle. All blossoms were removed until 7 Jul. Treatments were combinations of liming of application of fungicides (Benla!e SO WP, 8 ozJI 00 gal,+ Caplan SO WP, 3 lb/ I 00 gal) or of Gliocladium roseum(Peng and Sutton, Can. J. Plant Palhol., 13:247-2S7 , 199 1) and type of mulch (white-on-black plastic or straw). Guard rows were sprayed weekly with Benlate SO WP and Caplan SO WP, beginning on I Jul. Chemical fungicides or Q. roseum were applied lo runoff using a Solo backpack sprayer (Model No. 42S) with a flat-fan nozzle al approximately 30 psi pressure. Wetness duration and air temperature data for a postinfeclion disease-waining model (based on data of Wilson el al., Phytopathology 80: 111-116, 1990) were recorded hourly by a CR I 0 da!alogger and appropriate sensors (Campbell Scientific, Logan, UT). Ripe fruit were picked by hand, counted, weighed one to three times/wk, and be1Ties with symptoms of anthracnose rot were counted and weighed.

Copyright Owner
The American Phytopathological Society
File Format
Citation Information
M. L. Gleason, M. A. Vitosh, B. L. Leininger, G. R. Nonnecke, et al.. "Spray strategies to control Anthracnose fruit rot in day-neutral strawberries, 1994" (1995)
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