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About Fiona Webster

Dr. Fiona Webster is a Professor within the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing at The University of Western Ontario.

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Fiona Webster received her PhD (sociology) from the University of Toronto and has been an associate professor in Western University’s Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing since January 2019. She is also an academic fellow at the Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research at the University of Toronto (UofT) and a cross-appointed associate professor in the Institute for Health Management and Evaluation (IHPME), and Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBHS), UofT. Professor Webster’s program of research is built upon a career-long interest in applying the tools, theories and insights of sociology to explore and improve the care of complex patients who suffer with chronic pain and other health conditions using largely ethnographic approaches. She has established herself as a nationally, and internationally respected scholar, conducting research at the intersection between health and culture and its impact on health equity, and social determinants of health. Her research effectively spans applied and social science/sociology outlets/scholarship, as evidenced by her many Tri-Council grants from both the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and her publication record in both leading sociology and clinical journals. She enjoys an international reputation as a leading methodologist, having deployed and written about key/innovative social science methods (i.e., institutional ethnography) within the fields of medicine and nursing.  


Present Professor, Western University Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing


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