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Pharmacological Differences Between Two Anorexiant: Phenylpropanolamine (Ppa) and D-Norpseudoephedrine (D-nor)
Federation Proceedings (1985)
  • Fernando A Moya, Inter American University of Puerto Rico
  • T.J. Maher, Inter American University of Puerto Rico
  • M. Eisenberg, Inter American University of Puerto Rico
  • P.J. Kiritsty, Inter American University of Puerto Rico
Publication Date
Citation Information
Fernando A Moya, T.J. Maher, M. Eisenberg and P.J. Kiritsty. "Pharmacological Differences Between Two Anorexiant: Phenylpropanolamine (Ppa) and D-Norpseudoephedrine (D-nor)" Federation Proceedings Vol. 44 (1985) - 1162 ISSN: 0014-9446
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