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Federalism Myth
Georgetown Law Journal (1994)
  • Fernando R. Laguarda, American University Washington College of Law
INTRODUCTION: The late Justice Louis Brandeis once remarked on the benefit that our system of government derives from the states acting as the "laboratories of democracy."' This remark not only implies that states should be given the discretion to experiment, it presumes that states actually have the ability to do so. In order to understand Justice Brandeis and those who have followed in his rhetorical footprints, it is important to understand federalism, which is the organizing principle of American government.
  • federalism,
  • state discretion,
  • principle of American government
Publication Date
Citation Information
Fernando R. Laguarda. "Federalism Myth" Georgetown Law Journal Vol. 82 (1994) p. 159 ISSN: 0016-8092
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