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Contribution to Book
The Seven Last Plagues
Final Events: Knowing Is Not Enough (2021)
  • Felix H. Cortez
The Bible’s teaching on the seven last plagues is disturbing for several reasons. On the one hand, it seems to undercut the Christian message of a God whose essence, or core characteristic, is love. If God is love, and the wicked need to be destroyed, why use plagues, and then 7 of them, one after the other? On the other hand, the Bible’s teaching on the plagues is unsettling to the sense of security of believers. The 7 last plagues will be poured on the earth, the sea, the springs of waters, and the sun. How will they affect believers who are alive when these plagues fall?
This chapter deals with these and other questions from the point of view of the Bible and the teachings of Ellen G. White. 
  • Last Day Events,
  • Eschatology,
  • Revelation,
  • Seven Last Plagues,
  • Wrath of God
Publication Date
April, 2021
Mario P. Martinelli
Publisher Statement
With so many crises, natural disasters, and catastrophes taking place, how will we know whether they are signs of the end of the world or not? what is the death decree? When should God's people flee the big cities? Is it possible to know what the future holds? 
This book revisits the Bible and th writings of Ellen White to provide answers to these and many other questions.
Citation Information
Cortez, Félix H. “The Seven Last Plagues.” Pages 129–136 in Final Events: Knowing Is Not Enough. Ed. Mario P. Martinelli. Madrid, Spain: Safeliz, 2021.