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World Food Day - Program
World Food Day at PVAMU
  • Gerard Dsouza, Prairie View A&M University
  • Jocelyn Brown Hall, FAO
  • Brian Rowland, Mayor - PV
  • Eric Bost, Borlaug Institute, TAMU
  • Cindy Long, Administrator, USDA
  • Jenna Anding, Texas A&M, Extension
  • Taylor Stewart, CAHS-Student
  • Kira McLeod, CAHS-Student
  • Robert Earl Lewis, CAHS-Student
  • Ali Fares, Prairie View A&M University
  • Noel M Estwick, Prairie View A&M University
Presentation Type
CARC Seminar Room
Start Date
15-10-2021 9:00 AM

Hosted by the College of Agriculture and Human Sciences (CAHS), the event featured representatives from the United States Department of Agriculture, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the City of Prairie View, and Texas A&M University. Presenters discussed what systemic and individual steps are needed to combat global food insecurity.

World Food Day is an international holiday to commemorate the establishment of the FAO, the United Nation’s oldest technical organization. Each Oct. 16, outreach activities across the globe raise awareness for food-insecure countries, states, cities, and towns and encourage others to do their part to curb the increasing levels of nutrition disparity. This year’s observance explored the theme, “Our Actions are Our Future.”

Citation Information
Gerard Dsouza, Jocelyn Brown Hall, Brian Rowland, Eric Bost, et al.. "World Food Day - Program" (2021)
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