Tracey Sutton Professor Disciplines Life Sciences Biodiversity Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Research Interests marine ecology ecology marine biology
Richard Dodge Dean Emeritus Disciplines Life Sciences Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology Research Interests ecology paleoecology paleoclimatology
Joshua Feingold Professor Disciplines Life Sciences Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology Research Interests biological and ecological properties of coral reefs, coral communities, and coral-associated organisms of Eastern Pacific and Caribbean distribution and abundance of free-living coral assemblages El Nino impacts on coral communities
J. Matthew Hoch Associate Professor Disciplines Life Sciences Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Evolution Research Interests freshwater ecology wetlands aquatic ecology
David Gilliam Associate Professor Disciplines Life Sciences Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Research Interests coral reef ecology protected species recovery reef fish ecology
Amy Hirons Professor Disciplines Life Sciences Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Research Interests marine trophic dynamics and ocean production coastal and oceanographic conditions on marine production application of stable isotope rations and trace element analysis