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Terry Grande

Professor, Graduate Program Director


  • Biology

Research Interests

  • My research focuses on understanding the evolutionary relationships and historical biogeography of teleost fishes using morphology, paleontology, molecular biology as data sources. A group called the Ostariophysi has been the focus of my work because of its importance both economically and scientifically. It is a group consisting of over 75% of all freshwater fish species, it has a world wide geographic distribution and an fossil record dating to the Early Cretaceous (over 60 million years). An understanding of this group is central to an understanding of fish evolution in general.

James Garbarino

Professor and Maude C. Clarke Chair in Humanistic Psychology


  • Psychology
  • Child Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology

Research Interests

  • My research focuses on issues in the social ecology of child and adolescent development. I have a long standing interest in a wide range of violence-related issues - war, child maltreatment, childhood aggression, and juvenile delinquency. In 1991 I undertook missions for UNICEF to assess the impact of the Gulf War upon children in Kuwait and Iraq, and have served as a consultant for programs serving Vietnamese, Bosnian and Croatian children. I also serve as a scientific expert witness in criminal and civil cases involving issues of trauma, violence, and children. In all these issues I am concerned with how developmental processes are shaped by the human ecology in which they occur, and have a particular interest in matters of spirituality and identity in this process. After completing a project on physical aggression in girls (resulting in a book entitled See Jane Hit: Why Girls Are Growing More Violent and What We Can Do About It), I am currently working on a project dealing with childhood in the face of the terrorist threat.